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    Published: numansutur1987
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    What do you think about Downs' opinion on why he might have been injured? Do you think the injuries had anything to do with the stealing of the Buddha statues? Explain. Do you believe that there is punishment for acts of violence? If so, how would the punishment be decided and meted out? Explain. If given the opportunity to live it over again, do you think Downs would have made the same choices? Explain. Essay Topic 2. Discuss how Downs must have felt arriving back in the United States after being in Vietnam. How would you have felt in the same situation? Which would feel stranger to you - arriving in the States or going home to your house? Explain. Also, write about how friends and family might treat you differently after you returned home from war. What kind of treatment would one expect? Would it be. The Killing Zone: My Life in the Vietnam War Essay Topics & Writing Assignments. Essay Topic 1.




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